Thursday, February 28, 2008

Wii Talk

For Valentine's Day my husband and I got a Nintendo Wii. It's actually a pretty neat little thing. Not cheap at all, but who said fun had to be cheap? We bought a small collection of games to keep us occupied. For myself I got Cooking Mama and My Sims. For Justin's birthday I bought him Mario Galaxy. And for the both of us there is Mario Party 8. All pretty fun games in their own right, just not long enough! I completed My Sims within days of starting to play it.

But let's talk about Mario Galaxy for a minute first. Justin just completed Mario Galaxy. The bosses are too easy and the game itself just doesn't last long enough. For $49.99 I expected more! At first I had a hard time watching him play because the stages are amazingly hard on the eyes. All the upside down and sideways and here and there. Wow. Beautifully done, though.

The stages were just too small. Too easy to run and jump through and most of the monsters were easily avoidable. The bosses were more the same "3 hits and he's down" guys.

I'm disappointed that it's over. I think the Bowser battle at the end was the easiest one in the whole game! And Justin even went much further in the game that he needed to. Instead of going to rescue the princess at first chance like he could have, he carried on and went through every Galaxy before going to rescue her. There is a continued area after defeating Bowser but we're both still very disappointed.

I guess with all the arm moving and body playing that goes into using the Remote and Nunchuk, the people at nintendo felt sorry for us and made their stages extra easy.

My Sims, I don't even know where to start. It's not at all what I thought it would be but I still played it because I'm a loyal customer to nearly all things Sims related. It was entertaining and very very cute. But when it was over I was glad it was. I got my present from the towns people for completing their town and I didn't even feel like building it. I had no need whatsoever to continue this game.

Luckily Cooking Mama and Mario Party 8 seem to be keepers so far. Justin watches me play Cooking Mama like I watched him play Mario Galaxy. It's entertaining in ways. I am the master egg cracker. Tongue out

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