Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Life without Lj?

I assume life without Lj wouldn't be too terrible. I asked for contact info for some friends over there and only 4 out of 30 something people replied. Apparently not too many people will miss me if Lj goes under. Hahahaha.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Avon & Mark

I have very recently become an independent Avon representative. It's really a lot of fun and I'm always open to finding new contacts.

I have been using Avon products off and on my whole life. My mom bought a lot of it, my sister had her own sales woman and she would always mail me these great smelling perfumes and body washes.

Most recently when I would buy it for myself I would buy tubes of lip glosses. They lasted me a really long time and didn't have that nasty lip gloss taste some other one I've tried have. And most of the avon would have them at GREAT prices! I'm a sale shopper!

So it was only natural for me to want to sell Avon products. I tried selling 4 years ago, but my twins just took up too much of my time for me to get out of the house and make contacts. A lot has changed in 4 year with Avon and at the same time not much has changed at all. The variety is still there, the most famous products are still there, the Imari perfume they've been selling for 20 years is still there. But what I didn't know 4 years ago is that Avon is also apart of breast cancer research and helping against domestic violence. I guess the woman that signed me up last time didn't feel the need to tell me any of that.

I was impressed and only strengthened what I loved about Avon when I decided to sell Avon again. I'm really hoping I can do a better job this time since I actually love when I'm doing.

I have my own Avon website this time. You can view it at There you can see the new featured items and if you become a customer I will send out special emails during campaigns with offers like Free Shipping, or great deals and sales on the most popular items. :D

I'm still just starting out and trying to get my name out. Soon I'll have samples, more brochures, demo products, referral cards, and business cards.

Well thanks for looking! If you need any help or have any questions let me know!

(psst, the new sample of Flower by Cynthia Rowley is AWESOME! You can order the full size in brochure 8. I'll let you know!)

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Cookie Recipe

Every now and then I'm bored and get in this baking mood. "Must bake something NOW!", goes through my head again and again and again! Unfortunately at the moment I'm limited in my baking ingredients at the moment.

I was on the phone with my mom and I tell her this, I need to bake! She says, "Do you have peanut butter and sugar?" Why yes I do!! What mom with 3 kids, who have no known allergies to peanuts, doesn't have peanut butter and sugar???

Except, I don't really care for peanut butter cookies. So what do I do? Triple the recipe! Oh yeah I did. Lucky for me that none of the students at the pre-school have peanut allergies so I sent 5 dozen peanut butter cookies to school with my kids.

Easy Peanut Butter Cookies

Makes 2 dozen

1 large egg

1cup peanut butter(chunky or smooth, I used chunky)

1cup sugar (honestly I used less, holy sweet!)

Pre-heat oven to 350*F. Mix all ingredients. Roll into 1" balls, place 2 inches apart on ungreased cookie sheet and back for 8-10 minutes. 8 was enough for mine.

Wii Talk

For Valentine's Day my husband and I got a Nintendo Wii. It's actually a pretty neat little thing. Not cheap at all, but who said fun had to be cheap? We bought a small collection of games to keep us occupied. For myself I got Cooking Mama and My Sims. For Justin's birthday I bought him Mario Galaxy. And for the both of us there is Mario Party 8. All pretty fun games in their own right, just not long enough! I completed My Sims within days of starting to play it.

But let's talk about Mario Galaxy for a minute first. Justin just completed Mario Galaxy. The bosses are too easy and the game itself just doesn't last long enough. For $49.99 I expected more! At first I had a hard time watching him play because the stages are amazingly hard on the eyes. All the upside down and sideways and here and there. Wow. Beautifully done, though.

The stages were just too small. Too easy to run and jump through and most of the monsters were easily avoidable. The bosses were more the same "3 hits and he's down" guys.

I'm disappointed that it's over. I think the Bowser battle at the end was the easiest one in the whole game! And Justin even went much further in the game that he needed to. Instead of going to rescue the princess at first chance like he could have, he carried on and went through every Galaxy before going to rescue her. There is a continued area after defeating Bowser but we're both still very disappointed.

I guess with all the arm moving and body playing that goes into using the Remote and Nunchuk, the people at nintendo felt sorry for us and made their stages extra easy.

My Sims, I don't even know where to start. It's not at all what I thought it would be but I still played it because I'm a loyal customer to nearly all things Sims related. It was entertaining and very very cute. But when it was over I was glad it was. I got my present from the towns people for completing their town and I didn't even feel like building it. I had no need whatsoever to continue this game.

Luckily Cooking Mama and Mario Party 8 seem to be keepers so far. Justin watches me play Cooking Mama like I watched him play Mario Galaxy. It's entertaining in ways. I am the master egg cracker. Tongue out


Hi. My name is Amber and I'm a mom. Don't tell anyone, but yes, those 3 little boys you're rolling your eyes at are mine. Aren't they cute? You don't think so? Then avert your eyes some place else!

I don't believe in labels, there for I don't think I have one. I'm not "crunchy", "strict", "laid-back". I'm just the only mom I know how to be.

I love to write, obviously or why have a blog? Or is it that I love to type? Difference? Who "writes" anymore? Remember pencils and journals? Pretty soon elementary school kids will be carrying laptops, just wait and see! I love to review everything: new toys for the kids, new movies kept in constant supply and demand from netflix. Thank you Netflix, you make my nights a little less boring! I love to cook new recipes, I have a gazillion cook books.

I love my family. My 3 wonderful sons. They drive me crazy on a near daily basis but where would I be without them? Probably working 3 jobs along side my husband so we could afford that way too expensive apartment in Sacramento we wanted. No thanks, I like my cheaper much bigger apartment I'm in right now. I'm thankful every day for my husband. He keeps me sane on those very hard days when the kids are really pushing their limits. I just have to call him and vent for 5 minutes and I feel loads better. Almost 8 years and he's still the only man I would want to be with. (Him and Brad Pitt but shhh. That will be our secret!)

I'm loving my life. 2008 has been an awesome year so far. So many changes. So much to be excited about. I'm changing. My world is changing. So many things are getting better. A few things are getting worse. Hello rising gas prices! Ugh.